

During the initial consultation, Dr. Vaughn will meet with both you and your child to discuss your child’s dental history and identify the preventative care or treatment that will happen during the visit. If the child is of an extremely young age, or is a patient with specific health concerns, we may ask that you remain with us during the examination. Under most circumstances we will ask you to return to the waiting room so we can work with your child unaccompanied.

Studies demonstrate that children respond better to care during a dental visit when treated independently. It helps them build confidence and trust in dental hygiene, and minimizes the potential absorption of parental anxieties. As part of her degree and continuing education, Dr. Vaughn receives training in dealing with the psychology of working with children of different ages. Our staff  receive training in patient communication and processes. We view good oral health as a collaboration between you, your child, and Vaughn Pediatric Dentistry. We will never begin a procedure or treatment without first consulting a legal parent or guardian.

Here are some tips if  you want to help your child feel more comfortable about an upcoming dental visit:

How to Help:

Try To Avoid

Vaughn-Pediatrics-Teeth Icons

What’s up with all the toys, games, and colors?

At Vaughn Pediatric Dentistry, we believe that a child's first dental visit should be an enjoyable and memorable experience. That's why we have created a welcoming and fun environment that caters to children of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. Our office features specially trained doctors and staff, custom painted wall murals, movies, video games, toys, and exciting prizes to help provide a fun environment for your children. We understand that children may feel nervous or scared when visiting the dentist, and we do everything in our power to make sure they feel comfortable and at ease.


Laura Vaughn DDS is a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist, located in Topeka, KS.

“Every day I am energized by bright eyes and little smiles. I find joy in helping children develop big futures through a positive visit to the dentist’s office.”


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